10×10 for Dealing with Community Violence & Conflict

Read Time: 4 minutes10×10 for Dealing with Community Violence & Conflict The approach to dealing with violence differs with situations, contexts, and community culture; many methodologies focus on dealing with violent behavior. The health methodology focuses on interrupting violent behavior and stopping the contagion of violence while focusing on those infected with violence (victims – perpetrators – bystanders) […]
Mediation: The Art of Knowing the Wishes of Conflict Parties

Read Time: 7 minutesMediation: The Art of Knowing the Wishes of Conflict Parties “I sometimes lie when I talk to the conflict parties,” one insider mediator said, “I tell them the other side wants to talk with them, even if they have told me they do not want to talk.” But then he corrected himself: “Well, in a […]
How the mediator designs the process to go from “No” to “Yes”

Read Time: 5 minutesHow the mediator designs the process to go from “No” to “Yes” The truck stopped and workers unloaded the furniture agreed upon between the merchant and the manager of the educational institution, but some seats were clearly broken and damaged, and when the manager saw that, she refused to receive the furniture and asked the […]