What is Building of Peace Bridges Program?
Mobaderoon believes that the basis for the peaceful coexistence of diverse societies/communities is to harvest peace that stems from building and enabling bridges of communication between individuals (local activists, students, and active and influential members of the community) to learn about each other’s diverse cultures and customs, and the religions that make up the region.
Target Group:
- Youth & voluntary teams, and community individual activists.
- Beneficiaries of the capacity building program that have the desire to create initiatives in their communities.
- Organizations & institutions that seek to stimulate initiatives out of their program beneficiaries.
Program Journey:
1st Day: understanding differences and building our culture of peace.
2nd Day: conflict, peace, violence, nonviolence, synergy, and understanding others.
3rd Day: the 4 values (truth, justice, empathy, and peace), reconciliation, and empathetic communication.
4th Day: behavior patterns & relationships.
5th Day: A vision of peace and the group’s commitment.
Program Expected Outcomes:
Participants are provided with conflict analysis skills which is done through examples from our surroundings, after conducting dialogues about the differences, our roles and the roles of others, and understanding different situations, in order to develop our shared vision of the peace we want.
Building of Peace Bridges Program
Workshop Duration
5 days
Total hours
30 hr
Number of participants
20 at most
More About the program