What is Understanding & Analyzing Community Context Program?
The context analysis program is a study of the needs of society, and titling individuals with the necessary tools to identify their society and the correct methods of intervention that constitute more sustainable and participatory resources and changes on the ground.
This program is based on the introduction of various tools to study the needs on the ground and to build on resources and the power of influence in society. The methodology of this program is based on flexible and adjustable tools in a way that suits each community and each team can adapt them to its needs, to help it understand the community in which it is intervening and to determine the priority of the intervention.
Target Group:
Individuals, development teams, and enterprises.
Program Journey:
- The workshop offers several tools to help think in a new way about interventions based on a general understanding of community and its components from the context and understanding the links and relationships of influence and impact among them within contexts.
- The journey of the tools’ proceeds from the general understanding of the community and the people influencing it and entities to the specific understanding of the intervention carried out by community teams and attention to the role of influential stakeholders in the intervention of the general community.
- Thus, we undertake a journey to understand the intervention accurately based on the general context, as the program presents tools for analyzing relationships and tools to understand the impact of the development team within this overall context.
Program Expected Outcomes:
- understanding the context of the area to place interventions in place that are suitable to the contexts and are of more value.
- Identify the needs of the area originating from understanding the context of the area.
- Determine team intervention priority based on resources and impact.
- Choosing intervention means and need-appropriate tools, and build real partnerships to reach a cohesive society.
- Study the to-be-changed and understand its context according to overall understanding.
- Understand the context of the team and what impact the context has on the team.
- Transfer experience to the team and community individual activists.
Understanding & Analyzing Community Context Program
Workshop Duration
3 days
Total hours
15 hr
Number of participants
28 at most
More About the program