Women’s Roles between the Home’s Anvil and Work’s Hammer

Women’s Roles between the Home’s Anvil and Work’s Hammer

Read Time: 4 minutesMany questions come to mind when we hear the words “Men & Women”: Are both equally demanded to do home chores or parenting? Do both get equal pay? Culture and tradition impose roles on women who are expected to behave in line with these roles. What is a role, then? According to advanced socio-cultural theories, […]

Gender is not sex! And gender is not just for women!

GBV (Gender) is not Limited to Women!

Read Time: 6 minutes“Gender is not sex! And gender is not just for women!” With this phrase, a Syrian feminist activist who specialized in gender issues started her speech by clarifying the social and economic consequences and legal aspects of gender, especially in the work environment. This introduction opens the door to the most controversial discussions in Syrian […]